Do not skip or add any step. If something is unclear, dont hesitate to ask for clarification:
- if your computer can run it, install blender 4.2;
- change blender path in s4s settings to blender.
exe in blender
4.2 installation folder specifically;
- in s4s main menu choose Create 3d object and click on Object;
- in the search bar paste sculptFloorTUDArmor, choose this item, click on Next, name it something, save somewhere;
- in the Mesh tab export the LOD 0, open in Blender
- in 3d view select the statue, in the outliner double-click on its name to rename it to Reference. Rename the other s4studio_mesh_ to Shadow. Hide both and the rig;
- File - Import - fbx, choose Automaton_TO_Sketchfab.fbx;
- select any part of this model to make it active, then click-and-drag to select the rest. Object - Join;
- unhide Reference;
- switch the pivot to 3d cursor, press S and scale the model down to whatever height it should be using the statue as a reference. Then type in R Z -90 to rotate it;
- Object - Parent - Clear and Keep transformation;
- in the outliner Ctrl-click on AUTAMATON:polySurface165 to deselect it and delete the remaining selected objects;
- optionally, rename your object;
- change the UV editor to the Shader editor, enable Use nodes if nothing shows up. Choose Slot 1;
- delete a node plugged into Normal. Click and drag on the yellow socket next to Base color, choose Image texture Color;
- in the created node click on Open and choose the texture, which name corresponds with the material. This is Base color for the Body material, so you choose To_Substance_Painter_Body_Lambert_BaseColo.png;
- select this image node, press Shift D to duplicate, do not plug anywhere. Click on New image, name New diffuse, change the size to 2048x2048, disable Alpha, click on the color and sample this brown from the model. Keep this new image node selected;
- switch to Slot 2. As previously, elete the normal node, create an image node, open the right texture, duplicate. Instead of creating a new image, though, choose New diffuse from the drop down. Keep the unplugged image node selected. Repeat this process with slot 3;
- switch this window back to the UV editor;
- switch to Edit mode (TAB), select the whole model with A, create a new vertex group with +, double-click on Group to rename it to
transformBone (the name has to be exact ). Click on Assign;
- create a new uv map and name it uv_0,
select it;
- in the uv editor select everything with A and UV - Pack islands, click on Pack;
- in the Render tab switch to Cycles. Expand Bake, choose Diffuse;
- disable Direct and Indirect, disable Clear image. Hit Bake;
- in the UV editor Image - Save as;
- save this blend as well. File - Save as under a different name;
- delete map1 with - button;
- ceck what cut number the reference has, then delete the reference. Give yours the same cut;
- unhide Shadow and adjust it to match your object;
- save and import back into the package. Import your texture as well. Make lods and shadow lods. Make other textures or empty them.