Hi. Bad choice for a first project. This is a tedious and time-consuming process
- in s4s main menu click on CAS, choose the first thing in the list for the fem frame, click Next, name it something, save somewhere;
- in the Mesh tab click on export, open in blender. You can have an easier time with this if you choose a lower lod instead but i cannot guarantee accuracy;
- delete the hat, expand the rig, make head_2 selectable;
- select it, in edit mode enable x-ray, click-and-drag to select half of the head;
- press Delete, choose Vertices;
- important: with uv_0 selected, create a new uv map with + and select it. If you forget this step, everything will have to be re-done;
- to be able to see the changes you make, click on the camera icon next to your new uv map;
- expand the timeline and switch it to the shader editor;
- select Material output and one Principled PSDF, press Ctrl I, then Delete. Connect the remaining ones;
- click-and-drag yellow socket from Base color into nowhere, type in Image, choose Image color;
- in the created node click on Open, choose your image;
- in the uv editor select everything with A, click on Browse and choose it as well;
- in the uv editor press S Y 2 to brings uvs to their original height. Choose Face select, select ears, move them away, move the back of the head away as well;
- enable proportional editing and start by roughly aligning eyes, nose, lips, then relaxing areas in between;
- you could try transferring uvs from the original head to ts4 head as shown below, but they will still have to be adjusted. To do this, align the original head with ts4 one, add Data transfer to head_2, choose the original head as Source, enable Face corner data and UVs, change Mapping to Nearest face interpolated. Choose the original uv map and the new one in the drop downs, apply;
- once you're done with all of this, in 3d view change pivot to 3d cursor, select everything, Mesh - Mirror - X axis, Mesh - Normals - Flip;
- in the uv editor, UV - Mirror - X, align with the texture;
- switch to uv_0, flip as well, align;
- enable the camera icon next to
- switch to the Render tab, enable Cycles. Expand Bake, change to Diffuse, disable Direct and Indirect, Margin size to 6;
- duplicate an existing image node, create a new 1024X2048 image, change alpha to 0. Keep this node selected. Hit Bake;
- in the Uv editor click on Save as, save this image, close this blend