At first this mod just for my personal mermaid gameplay , I decided to expand it and gave it more functions. You can purchase kelp from this sculpture.
20 swatches , 130 simoleons.
Kelp Info
A Delicious Kelp (Price 25): Give mermaid & mermaid toddler motive hunger +80 ,motive thirst +90, other species are no special effect.
Super Kelp (Price 450): Fill mermaid & mermaid toddler all motives, other species are no special effect. Mermaid gain +2 happy buff 4 hrs, toddler gain +5 happy buff 4 hrs.
Emotion kelp: Buff for all species, mermaid can gain some motive recovery , all are 100 simoleons.
Sky Kelp: Give +6 Confident buff 5 hrs , trait Self-Assured , Self-Absorbed & Vegetarian gain +6 Confident buff 8 hrs. Recovery mermaid motive thirst 35, hunger 15, energy 15.
Light Yellow Kelp: Give +6 Energized buff 5 hrs, trait Vegetarian gain +6 Energized buff 8 hrs, Lazy +9 Energized buff 10 hrs, Active 12 Energized buff 7 hrs. Recovery mermaid motive thirst 35, hunger 10, energy 20.
Pink Kelp: Give +6 Flirty buff 5 hrs, trait Vegetarian & Romantic gain +6 Flirty buff 8 hrs, Unflirty +9 Flirty buff 10 hrs. Recovery mermaid motive thirst 35 , hunger 15 , energy 15.
Purple Kelp: Give +6 Focused buff 5 hrs , trait Geek , Genius , Bookworm , Vegetarian gain +6 Focused buff 8 hrs. Recovery mermaid motive thirst 25, hunger 20, energy 20.
Cyan Kelp: Give +6 Inspired buff 5 hrs , trait Childish , Music Lover , Art Lover , Creative , Foodie & Vegetarian gain +6 Inspired buff 8 hrs. Recovery mermaid motive thirst 35, hunger 25, energy 5.
Magenta Kelp: Give +6 Playful buff 5 hrs , trait Goofball , Childish & Vegetarian gain +6 Playful buff 8 hrs. Recovery mermaid motive thirst 35, hunger 5, energy 25.
Green Kelp: Give +6 Happy buff 5 hrs , trait Good , Cheerful & Vegetarian gain +6 Happy buff 8 hrs. Recovery mermaid motive thirst 15, hunger 25, energy 25.
Special emotion kelp
Just a KELP (Price 110): Give sim +50 Fine emotion buff 4 hrs. Recovery mermaid motive thirst 30, hunger 25, energy 25.
Bad Kelp (Price 10): Except toddler, sim can recovery 50 fun, 15 energy, 20 hunger, 15 thirst motive. And gain +8 random negative buff 6 hrs.
Extra Kelp
Medical Kelp (Price 40):Cure sim sickness (Get to work pack need).
Boy Kelp & Girl Kelp : Give gender chance for all species. 20 simoleons.
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