Custom Food Creation Tutorial
Dec 8, 2016 20:00:21 GMT -5
orangemittens, Asyli, and 15 more like this
Post by Leniad on Dec 8, 2016 20:00:21 GMT -5
This tutorial assumes you have the following: Sims4Studio, a text editor program (wordpad,notepad,word etc.)
and some photo editor to create your Food images in .dds format.
This is not for the faint of heart and can get confusing, so take your time.
This is set up for the way I work and I have tried to be clear, but I think you can figure it out if I missed something.
I have used Pie-Blackberry recipes in the pies that require 1 type of fruit or vegetable.
I have used Pie-Chocolate recipes in the pies that require no ingredients.
I have used Pie-Shepherds recipes in the pies that require 3 types of fruit or vegetable.
These basic recipes are available for upload here at Sims 4 Studio at Leniad's Cupboard
I work from a text file copying and pasting the changes to the basic recipe, that is how this tutorial was set up, SO I suggest copying text into a document so you can follow along and remember where you left off when the phone rings or Aunt Martha comes to the door.
Everything above CLONE SECTION is explanation.
1. Copy CLONE SECTION and everything below it into a word,text or other editable file.
These recipes are for pies, but changing the packages cloned, you can make pretty much anything. You may have to make a few object tuning tweaks but nothing major.
The below example is making a Lemon Pie from the Blackberry base recipe.
Basically I take the name of the pie I am making and replace the name in this document with the new name.
Examples of what I mean:
If I start with Blackberry and want to make Peach
BlackberryPie0 becomes PeachPie0
Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_BlackberryPie-Single becomes Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_PeachPie-Single
EA suggests naming convention beginning with YOUR user name, so replace Leniad with your name.
Create a copy of this text file and change the name, to your own food name.
Then working in the copy make changes in the document as you make them.
Comments are within ( ) so don't use that text in number generation or code replacement.
When I say instance number I mean KEY instance number.
I make all the text changes for a section, then make the changes in Sim4Studio then move to next section.
I copy the HASH section names and numbers and insert in the bottom of the section I am working,
so I don't have to scroll up and down the page 100 times.
2. Open Sims4Studio and choose selective clone, under Object button, click show hidden objectsbox and type the name of the fruit or
vegetable you want to include in your recipe. In this case Lemon. Hovering over the image will display the name and hex number of the object.
You want the object that begins with either gardenFruitGEN or gardenFlowerGEN
In this case we get gardenFruitGENLemon_01 00000000000057C2 which is same as 0x57C2
3. Create clone of apple pie with Sims4Studio (selective clone, click show hidden objects, type apple in search)
4. Name Clone LemonMeringuePie0
5. Create clone of single serving of apple pie name it Slice
6. Export these below files from Slice (To extract go to Warehouse Tab, highlight files and Batch Export)
6 DST files (SinglePie image, plate image, overlay pie shadow image,overlay plate shadow image and a large and small gray shadow squares)
3 ModelLOD.binary files
1 Light.binary file
7. Next export the recipe and simdata files from BlackberryPie0 (Download the pkg files from site and export)
HASH section
8. Replace names and change numbers in your text file as below.
Returning to the new object LemonMeringuePie0
Let's find the hex numbers for names you will need. Replace "Leniad" with your own name.
Using Sims4Studio tools select hash generator and copy the text into the text box.
Select Hexidecimal at bottom of popup - FNV32 is the Hex32 number FN64 is the Hex64 number.
When decimal numbers are required select decimal at bottom of popup.
You will need both hex and decimal numbers for some objects so be careful.
ONLY change the text Leniad and the food NAME in the names below (no extra spaces dashes etc.), then add text to hash generator
(Tools Hash Generator top of sims4Studio window) to get YOUR numbers.
Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Multi Hex32 = 00000000A4234FC0 Dec32 = 2753777600
Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Single Hex32 = 000000004A284735 Dec32 = 1244153653
Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Large Hex64 = 5302B09F306D2CE5 Dec64 = 5981537452860189925
Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Single Hex64 = 008DD705B0EE7E54 Dec64 = 39924391159430740
Leniad_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie_name 0xDE1BFDFE = hex32 value of Lemon Meringue Pie
Leniad_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie_Cook_interaction_name Hex32 = 0x9E2B3F36
Leniad_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie_Serve_interaction_name Hex32 = 0x1268D0FB
gardenFruitGENLemon_01 0x57C2 decimal conversion = 22466
(to make this conversion put the hexidecimal number in the upper portion of the hash generator Convert Number: )
In the LemonMeringuePie0 object
On the Warehouse Tab
object definition - foodPlateEatMultiGENPieApple_201610311629035804_set1 (only object in cloned pie)
9. Change randomly generated instance number to 00000000A4234FC0 and name to Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Multi (Hex32 of name)
Makes sure Group (data above instance) is 00000000
10. Change Object Catalog instance to 00000000A4234FC0
Makes sure Group (data above instance) is 00000000
11. Go to exported files in whatever folder you exported them and rename as below
Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_BlackberryPie-Large.RecipeTuning.xml file and alter the name (replacing with your recipe names and numbers above)
(First part of name is type, group, followed by hex64 of name, then name)
(First part of name is type, group, followed by hex64 of name, then name)
(First part of name is type, group, followed by hex64 of name, then name)
Open LemonMeringuePie0 in Sims4Studio and import these 3 files and all of the files from the Slice
Move to the Studio tab change the name to Lemon Meringue Pie,Price to 160
Change description to A pie made from YOUR freshest Lemons. Recipes courtesy of icemunmun Massive assistance provided by necrodog
Save, close and reopen LemonMeringuePie0 in warehouse tab
We begin with String Table English.
Highlight line and in data tab on right select Entries/ Edit Items and
Add a new entry with key DE1BFDFE (the hex32 value of the text Lemon Meringue Pie ) value Lemon Meringue Pie
Add a new entry with key 9E2B3F36 (hex32 value of Leniad_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie_Cook_interaction_name) and value Bake Lemon Meringue Pie
Add a new entry with key 1268D0FB (hex32 value of Leniad_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie_Serve_interaction_name) and value Serve Lemon Meringue Pie
Hit save at bottom of popup
Go to the Object Catalog with the same instance number as ObjectDefinition named foodPlateEatSingleGENPieApple_201610240332075528_set1
Change Object Catalog instance to 000000004A284735 (Hex32 of Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Single)
Makes sure Group (data above instance) is 00000000
Change name of foodPlateEatSingleGENPieApple_201610240332075528_set1.ObjectDefinition.binary to
Change Object Definition instance to 000000004A284735 (Hex32 of Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Single)
Makes sure Group (data above instance) is 00000000
Open Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_BlackberryPie-Large Recipe Tuning file, go to Data Tab and change name to
go to XML tab
Make the following changes
ln2 n="Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Large" s="5981537452860189925"> (s = Dec64 value Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Large)
ln226 n="enabled">39924391159430740<!--decimal64_value_of_Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Single-->
ln281 n="definition">2753777600<!--decimal32 value of Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Multi-->
ln361 n="name">0xDE1BFDFE<!--hex32 value of the text Lemon Meringue Pie in string table-->
ln362 n="phase_interaction_name">0x1268D0FB<!--hex32 value of Leniad_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie_Serve_interaction_name in string table-->
ln413 n="ingredient_ref">22466<!--decimal value_of_gardenFruitGENLemon_01 hexidecimal 0x57C2 from Simulation fullbuild-->
Open Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_BlackberryPie-Single Recipe Tuning file, go to Data Tab and change name to
go to XML tab
Make the following changes
ln2 n="Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Single" s="39924391159430740"> (s = Dec64 value Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Single)
ln278 n="definition">1244153653<!--decimal_32_value_of_Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Single-->
ln352 n="name">0xDE1BFDFE<!--hex32 value of the text Lemon Meringue Pie in string table-->
ln353 n="phase_interaction_name">0x9E2B3F36<!--decimal32 value of Leniad_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie_Cook_interaction_name in string table-->
ln373 <T n="restaurant_menu_icon_definition">1244153653<!--decimal_32_value_of_Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Single--></T>
ln406 n="ingredient_ref">22466<!--decimal value_of_gardenFruitGENLemon_01 hexidecimal 0x57C2 from Simulation fullbuild-->
Open Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_BlackberryPie-Single.SimData file
Open XML tab and make the following changes
ln4 name="Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Single"
ln8 name="name">0xDE1BFDFE<!--hex32 value of the text Lemon Meringue Pie in string table--></T>
ln21 <T name="restaurant_menu_icon_definition">1244153653<!--decimal_32_value_of_Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Single--></T>
Export the two pie DST images alter in your photo editor program and import .dds images to replace
and some photo editor to create your Food images in .dds format.
This is not for the faint of heart and can get confusing, so take your time.
This is set up for the way I work and I have tried to be clear, but I think you can figure it out if I missed something.
I have used Pie-Blackberry recipes in the pies that require 1 type of fruit or vegetable.
I have used Pie-Chocolate recipes in the pies that require no ingredients.
I have used Pie-Shepherds recipes in the pies that require 3 types of fruit or vegetable.
These basic recipes are available for upload here at Sims 4 Studio at Leniad's Cupboard
I work from a text file copying and pasting the changes to the basic recipe, that is how this tutorial was set up, SO I suggest copying text into a document so you can follow along and remember where you left off when the phone rings or Aunt Martha comes to the door.
Everything above CLONE SECTION is explanation.
1. Copy CLONE SECTION and everything below it into a word,text or other editable file.
These recipes are for pies, but changing the packages cloned, you can make pretty much anything. You may have to make a few object tuning tweaks but nothing major.
The below example is making a Lemon Pie from the Blackberry base recipe.
Basically I take the name of the pie I am making and replace the name in this document with the new name.
Examples of what I mean:
If I start with Blackberry and want to make Peach
BlackberryPie0 becomes PeachPie0
Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_BlackberryPie-Single becomes Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_PeachPie-Single
EA suggests naming convention beginning with YOUR user name, so replace Leniad with your name.
Create a copy of this text file and change the name, to your own food name.
Then working in the copy make changes in the document as you make them.
Comments are within ( ) so don't use that text in number generation or code replacement.
When I say instance number I mean KEY instance number.
I make all the text changes for a section, then make the changes in Sim4Studio then move to next section.
I copy the HASH section names and numbers and insert in the bottom of the section I am working,
so I don't have to scroll up and down the page 100 times.
2. Open Sims4Studio and choose selective clone, under Object button, click show hidden objectsbox and type the name of the fruit or
vegetable you want to include in your recipe. In this case Lemon. Hovering over the image will display the name and hex number of the object.
You want the object that begins with either gardenFruitGEN or gardenFlowerGEN
In this case we get gardenFruitGENLemon_01 00000000000057C2 which is same as 0x57C2
3. Create clone of apple pie with Sims4Studio (selective clone, click show hidden objects, type apple in search)
4. Name Clone LemonMeringuePie0
5. Create clone of single serving of apple pie name it Slice
6. Export these below files from Slice (To extract go to Warehouse Tab, highlight files and Batch Export)
6 DST files (SinglePie image, plate image, overlay pie shadow image,overlay plate shadow image and a large and small gray shadow squares)
3 ModelLOD.binary files
1 Light.binary file
7. Next export the recipe and simdata files from BlackberryPie0 (Download the pkg files from site and export)
HASH section
8. Replace names and change numbers in your text file as below.
Returning to the new object LemonMeringuePie0
Let's find the hex numbers for names you will need. Replace "Leniad" with your own name.
Using Sims4Studio tools select hash generator and copy the text into the text box.
Select Hexidecimal at bottom of popup - FNV32 is the Hex32 number FN64 is the Hex64 number.
When decimal numbers are required select decimal at bottom of popup.
You will need both hex and decimal numbers for some objects so be careful.
ONLY change the text Leniad and the food NAME in the names below (no extra spaces dashes etc.), then add text to hash generator
(Tools Hash Generator top of sims4Studio window) to get YOUR numbers.
Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Multi Hex32 = 00000000A4234FC0 Dec32 = 2753777600
Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Single Hex32 = 000000004A284735 Dec32 = 1244153653
Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Large Hex64 = 5302B09F306D2CE5 Dec64 = 5981537452860189925
Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Single Hex64 = 008DD705B0EE7E54 Dec64 = 39924391159430740
Leniad_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie_name 0xDE1BFDFE = hex32 value of Lemon Meringue Pie
Leniad_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie_Cook_interaction_name Hex32 = 0x9E2B3F36
Leniad_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie_Serve_interaction_name Hex32 = 0x1268D0FB
gardenFruitGENLemon_01 0x57C2 decimal conversion = 22466
(to make this conversion put the hexidecimal number in the upper portion of the hash generator Convert Number: )
In the LemonMeringuePie0 object
On the Warehouse Tab
object definition - foodPlateEatMultiGENPieApple_201610311629035804_set1 (only object in cloned pie)
9. Change randomly generated instance number to 00000000A4234FC0 and name to Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Multi (Hex32 of name)
Makes sure Group (data above instance) is 00000000
10. Change Object Catalog instance to 00000000A4234FC0
Makes sure Group (data above instance) is 00000000
11. Go to exported files in whatever folder you exported them and rename as below
Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_BlackberryPie-Large.RecipeTuning.xml file and alter the name (replacing with your recipe names and numbers above)
(First part of name is type, group, followed by hex64 of name, then name)
(First part of name is type, group, followed by hex64 of name, then name)
(First part of name is type, group, followed by hex64 of name, then name)
Open LemonMeringuePie0 in Sims4Studio and import these 3 files and all of the files from the Slice
Move to the Studio tab change the name to Lemon Meringue Pie,Price to 160
Change description to A pie made from YOUR freshest Lemons. Recipes courtesy of icemunmun Massive assistance provided by necrodog
Save, close and reopen LemonMeringuePie0 in warehouse tab
We begin with String Table English.
Highlight line and in data tab on right select Entries/ Edit Items and
Add a new entry with key DE1BFDFE (the hex32 value of the text Lemon Meringue Pie ) value Lemon Meringue Pie
Add a new entry with key 9E2B3F36 (hex32 value of Leniad_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie_Cook_interaction_name) and value Bake Lemon Meringue Pie
Add a new entry with key 1268D0FB (hex32 value of Leniad_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie_Serve_interaction_name) and value Serve Lemon Meringue Pie
Hit save at bottom of popup
Go to the Object Catalog with the same instance number as ObjectDefinition named foodPlateEatSingleGENPieApple_201610240332075528_set1
Change Object Catalog instance to 000000004A284735 (Hex32 of Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Single)
Makes sure Group (data above instance) is 00000000
Change name of foodPlateEatSingleGENPieApple_201610240332075528_set1.ObjectDefinition.binary to
Change Object Definition instance to 000000004A284735 (Hex32 of Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Single)
Makes sure Group (data above instance) is 00000000
Open Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_BlackberryPie-Large Recipe Tuning file, go to Data Tab and change name to
go to XML tab
Make the following changes
ln2 n="Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Large" s="5981537452860189925"> (s = Dec64 value Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Large)
ln226 n="enabled">39924391159430740<!--decimal64_value_of_Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Single-->
ln281 n="definition">2753777600<!--decimal32 value of Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Multi-->
ln361 n="name">0xDE1BFDFE<!--hex32 value of the text Lemon Meringue Pie in string table-->
ln362 n="phase_interaction_name">0x1268D0FB<!--hex32 value of Leniad_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie_Serve_interaction_name in string table-->
ln413 n="ingredient_ref">22466<!--decimal value_of_gardenFruitGENLemon_01 hexidecimal 0x57C2 from Simulation fullbuild-->
Open Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_BlackberryPie-Single Recipe Tuning file, go to Data Tab and change name to
go to XML tab
Make the following changes
ln2 n="Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Single" s="39924391159430740"> (s = Dec64 value Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Single)
ln278 n="definition">1244153653<!--decimal_32_value_of_Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Single-->
ln352 n="name">0xDE1BFDFE<!--hex32 value of the text Lemon Meringue Pie in string table-->
ln353 n="phase_interaction_name">0x9E2B3F36<!--decimal32 value of Leniad_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie_Cook_interaction_name in string table-->
ln373 <T n="restaurant_menu_icon_definition">1244153653<!--decimal_32_value_of_Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Single--></T>
ln406 n="ingredient_ref">22466<!--decimal value_of_gardenFruitGENLemon_01 hexidecimal 0x57C2 from Simulation fullbuild-->
Open Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_BlackberryPie-Single.SimData file
Open XML tab and make the following changes
ln4 name="Leniad_recipe_Food_Homestyle_LemonMeringuePie-Single"
ln8 name="name">0xDE1BFDFE<!--hex32 value of the text Lemon Meringue Pie in string table--></T>
ln21 <T name="restaurant_menu_icon_definition">1244153653<!--decimal_32_value_of_Leniad_LemonMeringuePie-Single--></T>
Export the two pie DST images alter in your photo editor program and import .dds images to replace
UPDATE 2021-5-8
Things change in 4 yrs. Add a snippet to get the object to appear in menus. Follow tutorial HERE